
Mentoring Matters

Mentoring Matters

Jan 2024
29 Donations
Colcord, OK, USA
$19,120 Donation Goal
6.28% Raised
$1,200.00 donated
8 Donors
XX Days Left

Meet Karen and Seth Hilliker. They have been providing important support to New Life Ranch in Colcord, OK since 2015.

About This Project

New Life Ranch provides Cherokee children and Teens with supportive programs to improve the well-being of vulnerable, at risk children.

New Life Ranch shares the gospel of Christ through various programs including the following:

- Mentoring

- Bible Studies

- Counseling services

- Small Engine class

- Chapel services in school

- Summer Camp

- Discipleship program 


A mentoring program meeting weekly one on one with teens at both Middle School and High School level. God is at work in powerful ways as we build relationships and enter into their lives through bible study, prayer, and coming alongside them in their current life struggles/circumstances.

Auto Shop/Small Engines Class

A Program to connect with Young Men/Fathers’ From The Cherokee Reservation. Each week Seth teaches a small engines class after school to young men in the middle and high school. While instructing and providing hands on experience Seth mentors these young men and shares Christ with them. The hands on experience and opportunity to work on lawn mowers and cars provides a great opportunity to come alongside these young men and encourage them and live life with them.

Family Counselling

Providing Counselling for Issues Of Neglect, Abuse, Substance Abuse and Trauma. God continues to give us the opportunity to meet with families that are struggling in various ways. We listen, pray, provide counsel, and ultimately seek to point them toward the HOPE of the gospel and life in Christ. Many of the children/teens we mentor come from broken homes. This gives us opportunity to meet with parents, caregivers, and family units and seek to help them in issues they are struggling with. So many of these families are hurting and their deepest need is restoration in their relationship with God and then to one another. Please pray for us as we come alongside these families and share the love and hope of Christ with them.

After school Program

God has allowed us to partner with the schools in providing a daily after school program. This program allows us to build relationships and invite kids/teens into our mentoring program. Each day we provide engaging activities and learning in the areas of journalism, horseback riding, physical education, and service. We also provide tutoring, computer skills training and are currently working on teaching resume building skills.

3 thoughts on “Mentoring Matters

  1. Ruth St. Pierre

    Praying for you daily

  2. Sandra Burns

    Because we love you 🙂

  3. Andrea Orbell

    donation for Mentoring Matters
    Seth and Karen Hilliker

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