We serve those who...
- Are considered poor and physically suffering
- Are considered disadvantaged, isolated, marginalized
- Have limited access to other assistance
- Is motivated to help themselves
We ensure that our work...
- Is to the genuine and maximum benefit of the beneficiary
- Does no harm (environmentally, socially, culturally)
- Discourages relationships of dependency and instead builds toward sustainability
- Is collaborative with government and non-government agencies
- Enhances the ownership and capacity of the local people
- Builds lasting friendship and understanding
- Contributes to Christ’s vision for our world: peaceful, just, restored and reconciled to God
Our members and volunteers ensure that they...
- Are committed and motivated
- Are law-abiding citizens (validated by police checks if working in or visiting project areas)
- Are innovative, adaptable and flexible
- Are sensitive to and respectful toward all faiths.
- Are non-abrasive, respectful of and cooperative with others; free to exhibit their own individuality but sensitive to appropriate etiquette and protocol
- Have pride and professionalism in their work
- Have a sense of humour and enjoy adventure
- Value humanity above wealth and materialism
Our attitude to our resources is to...
- Be responsible and dependable
- Be cost efficient and frugal, not wasteful or abusive
- Build the capacity of local skills, personnel and resources
- Be accountable and transparent with the resources we use
Available to volunteer?
We are always looking for volunteers to assist our project leaders or support our organization.