Create a Campaign

If this is a new project proposal under Devxchange. Fill out the Start a Campaign Form below. Your proposal will be reviewed and you will be contacted for next steps.

Campaign Name

Create a great campaign name that fits your project and stands out from the crowd. Campaign names should be short, easy to spell and remember so that your donors are able to use our search bar to quickly locate your project. Keep in mind that your campaign name will also become your project page URL (example:

Short Description

Your short description should be one or two captivating sentencing that will tell potential donors who you are helping and how. To avoid your short description being cut off we recommend keeping it to 125 characters or less.

Fundraising Goal

Simply put, this should match the dollar amount outlined in the approved project proposal. Fundraising goals can always be increased or decreased later on by updating the project proposal to include any changes or new plans.

Length in Days

Having a duration for your campaign can help create a sense of urgency for your donors. Projects such as emergency relief efforts or raising money for children before the start of a school year are good examples of when this can be a benefit. Other projects are designed to be ongoing and if that is the case with your project this field can be left blank.

Full Description

This is where you will give the details about your project. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Short paragraphs are easier to read and understand.
  • Introduce who or what you are raising money for. Make a personal connection so the reader understands how you know the people you are helping.
  • Explain how your project will help and how these activities or gifts will help.
  • Get specific about how the money will be used. Include rough costs if possible so your donors feel like they are part of the solution by giving.
  • Share why this cause means so much to you.
  • Share your appreciation for any potential support your donors may give.
  • TIP: consider asking your potential donors to share your project page on Facebook.

Featured Image

This will be your project page’s first impression and will be the image that appears at the top of your campaign and when people share your campaign to social media. We recommend you use the following tips when choosing your image:

  • Include the people who you are helping
  • Clear, focused, well-lit and high quality
  • Create a sense of campaigns story
  • 800 pixels X 600 pixels works best


This is a great place to make your campaign and story come to life. Share videos from your most recent trip to your project location, interviews with beneficiaries or volunteers, or maybe your project’s overseas partner has created a video for you to share. Just make sure you have permission to share the video and it only includes family friendly content.


Help your donors understand where in the world you are trying to help. Enter the country or city name for the location of your project.

TIP: It is best for privacy and security reasons not to be too specific with the location of your project if the project includes children or other vulnerable people. Often times the country is all you need to add.

Donation Options

Are you trying to find sponsors or ask your donors to cover the cost of certain gifts? Donors love to understand how their money made a difference and by linking a certain size donation to a tangible gift that will be purchased you can help your donors see their impact. For example: $100 will help 1 widow start a business.

Don’t forget to select the “recurring donations” option especially if your project will be carried out over several months. This can also make it more affordable for your donors to give larger amounts throughout the year by fitting the donation into their monthly budget.

Campaign Updates

Frequent updates on your campaign page will let your donors know you are actively working on the project and will help build momentum as the project develops.

Ideas for updates include:

  • Thank you to special donors
  • Project milestones and achievements
  • A request for an urgent need

Successful Campaign TIPS

  • Spell check before updating campaign page
  • Ask a friend for help writing a compelling description
  • Ask your overseas partner to help provide updates for you to share
  • Always thank you supporters every chance you get. This includes for sharing your project on social media as well as donating.
Who Are You Raising Money For?
  • Our Organization

    You are raising money for us. All donations to your fundraising campaign will help our cause.

  • Another Campaign

    You are raising money for an existing campaign. All donations to your fundraising campaign will help this campaign.

  • Your Cause

    You are raising money for a personal cause. You will receive the donations.